Participation design as a way of shaping a responsible citizen

Abstract: Participation design as a way of shaping a responsible citizen

awareness of the fact that the way of developing the space is one of the factors deciding about the quality of our life. Creating a friendly, users’-need meeting space requires primarily, besides macrostructural conditions, a social involvement and joint activity. Optimistic in this case are significance-gaining debates, consultations, discussions or workshops devoted to urban problems, during which – besides talking about issues of urban social problems, people also talk about the fact that the participatory dimension of urban space design provides an opportunity of shaping a more egalitarian urban reality and a responsible citizen.
The speech will include the issue of participatory design which becomes an ideal way of shaping the urban space with the citizen and for the citizen. The urban space which to a growing extent responds to authentic needs of the residents, especially of sensitive social categories. The speech will be based on real examples of participatory design and on results of international studies in this field.