WORKSHOP for participants of the URBACT programme network: URBAN Networking

WORKSHOP for participants of the URBACT programme network: URBAN Networking

Cities are an important driving force of the economy, while being both a place of meetings, creativity and innovation and a centre of services for residents. They play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Europe and of the world.

Many European cities face a challenge of how to improve their attractiveness in order to retain and attract young, gifted and creative residents. The modern world is marked by a dynamic evolution of both our working methods and capabilities. Changes driven by technological innovation, demography, changing business models and working methods have a major impact on what type of capabilities is currently in demand on the labour market. As estimated by the OECD, more than 25% of adult persons are of the opinion that their capabilities fail to meet the job requirements, while this percentage is to increase to 35% in the nearest future. This phenomenon increases the necessity to improve or change qualifications in the course of the professional career. It also creates a challenge for politicians and entrepreneurs who should work out an optimal system of life-long learning and education to ensure that the needs of the labour market can be satisfied. In order to optimize the availability and competences of employees, politicians, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders must cooperate in order to ensure that education becomes accessible for all adult persons. On one hand, the most effective investments in the education system must be preceded by a better understanding of what type of capabilities are already available, on the other hand, existing gaps in this respect must be identified. The activities should be supplemented by information on what type of capabilities are the most scarce on the labour market and how a relevant development path should be designed.

The workshops are targeted at representatives of the network of the URBACT III Programme, as well as experts in these areas.

The workshops are meant to give answers to the following questions:

  1. How to encourage others to make use of the offer of life-long learning?
  2. How to sort out the necessary analytical data?
  3. How to design an appropriate analytical instrument to identify demand for capabilities on the labour market in future?
  4. How to signal to politicians and entrepreneurs that it is necessary to make changes to the system of life-long learning and education?
  5. How to launch systems of life-long learning in all countries?
  6. How to distribute necessary and qualified employees across the country?
  7. How to facilitate the flow of qualified employees in Europe?
  8. How to finance research, analytical instruments and allocation?


Jim Sims – Leading Expert in the project Gen-Y City


Gen-Y City Project Leader and Partners, Leading Experts and Ad-hoc Experts of the URBACT Programme, representatives of the network of the URBACT Programme and of the URBACT Secretariat

Workshops will be held in English.

You can register to take part in the workshops.